Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy to be Alive.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Currently residing now in Carraci, Family lvl 31 under Eminence faction.
Let's necro this blogggggggggggggggggggggg!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Still here
So what has happened to me? Hella lot my friends. Haha.
Personal life aside, GE has changed an awful lot from the time I was last here in my dear blog..
The elemental gates (fire,lightning) were somehow explored already, vergo dies in under a minute (given that we camp 2 hours for it sometimes), diablo and gerero looked like cockatrices to the experts, CW resets monthly, baron quests and the arrival of 92 elite weapons, new RNPCs.
The rise of power by some factions and the fall of some. Hella lot.
I would like to catch up with all the events going on lately but I still havent recovered from my injury fully. I will when I get back. Can't fill this blog with emo stuff. NOOOOOOOOOOO...
Thanks to my friends and family in AF for hanging around still. I appreciate everything you give and for staying despite all the issues lately. I'll be back and we'll be back.
Love and peace everyone.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
MAJOR UPDATE: POGS 2008, Colony Wars, Item Updates and err.. LIFE :D
The Colony Holders:
AF - 4
Supper - 2
Reconquista - 5
Eclipse - 5
Eden - 5
Our last minute conquest of Feruccio junction was a super buzzer beater. Too bad no one took a screenie. We got FJ and a split second later, "Colony War is Now Over" Notice Appeared. Broad was buzzing because of the feat. Ahh.. Sweet.
What to expect for this week's CW? Recon's comeback and Our mighty stand to try beat them. It has always been a pleasure playing with them on CW. Mighty indeed.
Stay tuned this week for more action in caravaggio!
Earlier that day before the colony wars, we formed a small AF group to attend the POGS 2008 event at Trinoma for the 2 v 2 PVP event. Basically, I only attend gaming events for GE stuff so whatever gimmick was going on there that was not GE related, I didn't quite notice (what a snob!). Here are some of the pictures taken:

Me and Philippine CM Veya
Maki (·™ Family) and Rob (Welling Family) Of AdeptasFraternas Caravaggio : Champs of POGS 2008 GE 2v2 PVP Tourney =D
We had fun at the event, thanks to the live bands and the pretty girls (according to my factionmates.. my eyes are set on one girl only and she wasn't in the event =p ) that staved off out boredom while waiting for the actual start. It was a single round sudden death type so that meant one loss and you're out. We beat the Reclusion brothers, Nate and Darrick of Caracci on round one of the tourney and met our AF Faction mates Riskbearer and Vmos in the semis. Luckily, we beat them and faced of against our AF buddies Pinkzy and Hudiciaro in the finals which we won in a nicely fought friendly game. YEY.. Champs.. HAHA.
We hurriedly went out of trinoma and headed back to our base LAN to prepare for CW. Whew! Just in the nick of time. ~_~
GE UPDATE: January 2008 (followed ArcTheLad family's format)
Family Name: Welling Server: CarravaggioFamily Level: 27 Faction: AdeptasFraternas Motto: "Live life 1 day at a Time"
Elites:- 100's
Weapons: (options to be kept confidential =p )
1.) +6 Daemon Slayer
2.) +6 Deadside
3.) +6 Bracelet of 3 Kings
4.) Pair of +5 Bracelet of Behemoth
5.) +5 Elite Rod of Moonstone
6.) +5 Rod of Armageddon
Elite 84's - Weapons (too many to mention >_>)
1.) +5 elite alegrias DR+2
2.) +5 elite graciegote DR+3
3.) +5 elite striform DR+3
4.) +5 elite camisa DR+3
5.) +6 elite alegrias DR+3
6.) +6 elite albaes DR+3
7.) +6 elite ringmail DR+3
8.) +6 elite plate DR+3
9.) +6 elite plate DR+3
1. Wizard (M)
2. ETS
3. Mboma
4. Wizard (F)
5. Cath Int
6. Elem
7. Elem
8. Cath Summoner
9. Irawan
10. Adelina
11. Bernelli
12. Bernelli
13. Romina
14. Jack
15. Fighter (F)
16. Fighter (M)
17. Fighter (M)
18. Claude
19. Claude
20. Alejandro
21. Scout
22. Jack
23. Andre
24. Idge Battlesmith
25. Idge
26. Romina
27. Graciello
28. Jose Cortasar
and 2 more I can't recall XD = total of 30 barracks slot occupied.
AHH.. That was quite an update. Please visit me and my baby's site for some more GE updates.
Have fun everyone~
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Record

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
AF: The Rising
A lot has transpired within the last month of 2007. The experience has been amazing and the changes that happened has brought a lot of excitement to the remaining AF loyalists. With the disbandment of Revolution due to Tine's retirement from GE, AF has acquired around 30+ new players. At least now, more numbers to go out there in cwar and try our luck. It will be the first time possible I'll see 40 people online on war! WOOOOOT!! Haha I sound excited. Because contrary to what people believe about our attendance in the war, it has always been 15-20 people playing war out of about 30 online. Pretty cool eh? And since the colony reset will implement after this maintenance (I suppose?), everyone has a chance to prove their worth on Sunday when it's the start of the party elections (another assumption).
So basically, this is a fresh start of Adeptas. New Look. New people. New energy. A lot of new things to look forward to in the coming year.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Adeptas has been through hell and back trying to stand firm and doing our best to stay steady for this faction we treat us our home and our faction mates who we call family already. From the full cast of 100 people that included people from PasawayProphecy, Unholy, VietnamIdols and few foreign friends from Luminaire and UK, our roster count is down to 70 whereas, only 30-50 people are left active and 35 being the max number of attendants on colony wars and it has been the same scene for the past 3 months. We’ve been the whipping boys, the bad asses, was stepped on, loved, hated, been blanked thrice on CW and even got my personal life hooked into it. It was hard; so hard that at times, I felt like quitting but ended up staying because of friends. For those times I felt like leaving the community and the game, I felt the heavy pressure of being a leader despite the fact that yes; it’s only a game. But friendships won me over and I ended up staying. I was dubbed attention seeker, quitter, whiner and even a backstabber on those times that I was so vulnerable.
This last Sunday, we were wiped off again from the map and reality bit me. I was so hellbent on revenge and getting back at the personal assaults thrown at me and my faction that I lost my cool for a while and thought of merging with eclipse. But my friends didn’t welcome the idea that well so to clear things up, I asked them:

Moments before their answers, I felt like the biggest loser of them all because I can’t do anything about being blanked in CW. But upon thinking and being reassured by my friends that win or lose we’ll stay one. I thought that pleasing everybody should be my main goal but I was wrong I told myself. I was spanked by reality when my friends responded this way despite the insurmountable odds we’ve faced for days, weeks and months in the game. I am very much proud that I stood for something I should have said and done earlier. Adeptas is staying for good like it or not. And we maybe down and out when you thought we are.. But trust me we’ll be back better, badder and stronger from these setbacks.
Side note:
CW breaks friendships, keeps you wondering what went wrong and raises our blood pressures out of nowhere that we never we thought we’ll have. If any of you are reading this (Fellow faction leaders), you very well know what I mean. You may have loved me, or hated me or didn’t even care at all at what I’ve done for my faction. You as leaders very well know your duties for you people. GG to you. Had so much fun. Peace out to EsBell, DoraemonX, Tine, Century, IceFox and thanks so much to AzureRain for being such a great sport, RedstarAvengers for the support and ETS (wuhoo) and buddies Swish and Wooot. Goodluck to my pal IsDope on NS. You guys are great. J
Cheers to my AF family from UK Alfreds, Anthonny, Fabia and DexTeR™, our viet friends VNKingGamers, HaiQuan, Casino, Byzz, Goldeneyes, Rebekah, Espandose, RodinaCZ, BeXinhZdai, ShoTAnDRuN and dear SexyXyesSir, the ever quiet girls Quirisaki, marus, Mayfair, Behbi, mcleude, Butio and our faction visitors Miss Veya and Ninemoons., and ofcourse, the bad ass boys of AF.. the road 20 boys Exceled, Labra, RALegaspi, twizcloud, Rainstorms, and Kuya Syowt, Jaded. The adrenalin boys Boos†er, E N E R G Y, Lourdez and Viernes. The quiet guys ciMnaD, Fhamily, vmos, o†o, Frankeesl, lhanz™, holipas, Ledford, Firebourne, Adubal, Sawamura and MADSKILLZ. The original UH boys Ter, Fred, Mami Anchie, Carl, Tito Rons, Bon, Chris and the remaining GG boys.. Mike, Gabo, Kryz, Daga, Jarbs, Justin, Charles and Jo. You guys are the reason why AF is still alive and kicking.. hats off to you J